Facebook Group

The Eburg Veg Community facebook group is a space dedicated to sharing, learning, connecting, and supporting each other through all the ins and outs of plant-based living in Kittitas County. Whether vegan, vegetarian, transitioning, or simply curious all members will be accepted and respected.

Do you have children? Join the Eburg Veg Families meet-up group here!

Eburg Veg Community Facebook Group Guidelines:

Respect for all members of our group and of the Ellensburg community at large is the expected baseline for interaction within the Eburg Veg Community. Personal attacks, shaming, name-calling, hate speech, and otherwise rude and unhelpful behavior will not be tolerated. Appreciate that not everyone will be in the same place as you in their understanding of animal rights, veganism, social justice, and a myriad of other issues. Under no circumstances should you post anything that could be taken as employing threats, harassment, racism, classism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, misogyny, fatphobia, body shaming, transphobia or religious/non-religious intolerance.

Posts that are not vegan will be deleted. You do not need to be vegan to be in this group, but any posts shared by members must be about plant-based foods, recipes, products or vegan issues.

Please report abuse by trolls and their comments will be removed. Don’t make it worse by reacting to their comments. If you do, your comments will be removed too.

The administration team reserves the right to remove members as they deem necessary, using their best judgement to determine whether or not the member is in compliance with our terms of membership.

Please respond to all communication from members of the administration team, especially if it is an attempt to address a potential violation of our policies. Check all filtered message folders to ensure timely receipt of these communications.  

Blocking administrators is not allowed.