Eburg Veg

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Dirt Lover

It's earth week! It's earth month! It's time to talk about how to save our species and let everyone know! I have been so excited seeing stories popping up about cities, and even countries, who are ditching single use plastic. Corporations are filing lawsuits in response, and people are resisting them and fighting back by living sustainably in the face of capitalism, proving not everyone is trash. (See what I did there?)

A favorite friend of mine has launched a project called Go Strawless Ellensburg and I got to help during the first Friday art walk at Gallery One by talking to people about single use plastic straws, getting them on board to withdraw the straw and bring back the 'stache. Or to choose using cool reusable straws, or carrying a cup like this one that Jonas loves! Bonus points go to the people helping the big changes happen, by approaching restaurants and asking that plastic straws be offered as an option (or not), instead of accompanying drinks automatically.

Not sure why straws are a big deal? Here are a few key facts:

  • 500 million plastic straws are thrown away in the US every day

  • It takes up to 200 years for a plastic straw to degrade

  • Plastic never completely biodegrades, but turns into hazardous microplastics

  • Not using a straw & using a reusable or compostable straw are easy alternatives!

I will be at the CWU Operations Earth Day event on Wednesday this week getting students and faculty to sign up to go strawless, talking to them about ways to reduce plastic use and what is always the elephant in the room at any eco-conscious gathering - the environmental hazards of raising animals for food. Come say hi and give me a high five! P.S. Thanks to everyone who came to Cascade Kids during Girls Night Out last week to support the cause, and who bought items from the Eburg Veg shop!

The real mother load is the earth-tastic event I have teamed up to help host with Ceyla & Chicken (who have put an incredible amount of effort into the details of this amazing experience) on Earth Day - this Sunday, April 22 at Hal Holmes Community Center from 11-1.

Are there ways you want to help the planet, but you don't know where to start? This is the event for you! We are both toddler moms so everything was designed to be especially thrilling for young children while teaching about the very real difference every single person makes - no matter how young or old! Play with worms and learn how to compost, make reusable bags out of old t-shirts, plant a flower garden for bees, make art out of recyclables, learn about plant-based cooking with kids (that's me, of course), participate in a book swap, get your face painted, enjoy live music, and take part in a special Earth Day storytime with the children's librarian, Ms. Sue!


I know we live in a great town, because these are only two of the many things happening this week in honor of our planet. Like and follow Eburg Veg on facebook for information on other family friendly events and ways you can pitch in. Because, like any good relationship, we should all celebrate our relationship with the globe by doing something nice on our anniversary!

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All photos featured on this blog are copyrighted images. © January Bear Photography, 2018

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